The Internet House Painting Guide

Mar 15, 2014Do It For You, Do It Yourself, Exterior Painting, Featured, Interior Painting

My friend John Shearer of Shearer Painting in Seattle has put together a boat load of useful information regarding house painting called The Internet Guide to House Painting.

Between our two blogs you will get plenty of good information and advice.

If you prefer a more personal approach, and you live in Richland, Pasco, or Kennewick, or surrounding areas, give me a call and I’ll try to answer your questions or you can have me come out to see your project.

You can contact me at (509) 551-1060 or at

Are you in need of professional painting services in Richland, Pasco, Kennewick, and outlying areas?

If so,

Give Us a Call or Email Us

Call 509-551-1060 or email us at to schedule a time for Kirby to provide a free quote for your home or business.

We are top-rated on Angies for Tri-Cities painting companies.